A touching love story- ” The Notebook”- movie

lolaj2's Blog

The Notebook Writers- Jeremy Leven, Jan Sardi, and Nicholas Sparks Director- Nick Cassavetes Major Actors- Gena Rowlands, James Garner, Ryan Gossling, Rachel McAdams Released in 2004 The Notebook is a romantic story of a young couple from two different social backgrounds that fall in love over the summer. Summer love ends when her parents forbid her from seeing the young man. They separate only to be brought back together by the young mans undying love for her. The characters are Noah and Allie. They end up together and the story goes back and forth from when they met to how Allie suffers from dementia and Noah reads to Allie daily all bout their love story, but Allie has no idea the story is about them because she cannot remember. The Notebook is a non -linear film. It starts out chronologically but because of the main characters psychological state, it goes…

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A touching love story- ” The Notebook”- movie

The Notebook Writers- Jeremy Leven, Jan Sardi, and Nicholas Sparks Director- Nick Cassavetes Major Actors- Gena Rowlands, James Garner, Ryan Gossling, Rachel McAdams Released in 2004 The Notebook is a romantic story of a young couple from two different social backgrounds that fall in love over the summer. Summer love ends when her parents forbid her from seeing the young man. They separate only to be brought back together by the young mans undying love for her. The characters are Noah and Allie. They end up together and the story goes back and forth from when they met to how Allie suffers from dementia and Noah reads to Allie daily all bout their love story, but Allie has no idea the story is about them because she cannot remember. The Notebook is a non -linear film. It starts out chronologically but because of the main characters psychological state, it goes back and forth from when the couple first met to how they are living in a nursing home. I believe the aesthetic choices made in the Notebook clearly bring us the beauty of this love story and clearly allow us to piece the heartache and that comes along with losing and finding and losing your true love all over again. The elements of the character development impact the storytelling method in the Notebook. Noah is literally telling Allie their whole love story leading her to believe that he is reading a book to her about a love story she is intrigued by and when she finally realizes the story is her own and recognizes Noah the story turns to a melting of hearts. I believe if the film took a different approach it would not be a movie of a love story. The way the movie was done is just spectacular and brings about emotions to anyone that watches the movie. The Notebook (2004). www. imdb.com Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2014). Film: From watching to seeing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. This text is a Constellation